Medical Testimonials

    See what Equine Healthcare Experts Have to Say

    Dr. Marlice Vonck, DVM​

    Holistic Veterinarian

    Dr. Katarzyna Zukiewicz

    Equine Veterinarian​

    Mireille Doffegnies, C.E.S.M.T.​

    Certified Holistic Equine Therapist & Bodyworker​

    Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and you may not do as well. All testimonials are from BEMER Independent Distributors or customers and may not reflect the average person’s experience. IBDs may be eligible to earn commissions based upon their sales.

    Jenna Horne, EQDT

    Equine Dentistry​

    Dr. med. vet. Stephan Leser

    Veterinary Clinician & Equine Clinic Manager

    Dr. med. vet. Olivier Brandenberger

    Veterinary Clinician & Equine Clinic Manager

    Disclaimer: Individual results may vary, and testimonials may not reflect the typical person’s experience and are not intended to represent that anyone will achieve the same results. These spokespeople may have been compensated for their testimony.

    BEMER USA, LLC is a leader in the field of microcirculation. BEMER USA, LLC, 2230 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008

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